Pace team

Need some extra support in your goal to finish the Bank of America 13.1? Are you looking to run a personal best? The pace team will help you meet your performance goals.
The pacers will be established in the following corrals for these half marathon finish times:
A: 1:30, 1:40
B: 1:40, 1:50
C: 1:50, 2:00
D: 2:00, 2:15
E: 2:15, 2:30
F: 2:30, 2:45, 3:00
Frequently asked questions
Why should I run with the pace team?
Running with the pace team is a fun way to run with a group and target a specific time goal. Pacers are experienced marathoners and half marathoners who will encourage you throughout the race and help you achieve your performance goal.
What are the finish times available for the pace team?
1:30, 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15, 2:30, 2:45, and 3:00.
Which pace team should I run with?
You should choose a pace that reflects your training and ability level and allows you to run at a comfortable pace throughout the half marathon. If you can’t decide between two paces (for example 1:50 and 2:00), it is recommended that you start with a slower pace as you can always pick it up later in the race.
What is the actual pace per mile for the different pace team pacers?
The chart below lists pace team times and corresponding per mile times:
Overall time: 1:30 | Per mile: 6:52 |
Overall time: 1:40 | Per mile: 7:38 |
Overall time: 1:50 | Per mile: 8:24 |
Overall time: 2:00 | Per mile: 9:10 |
Overall time: 2:15 | Per mile: 10:18 |
Overall time: 2:30 | Per mile: 11:27 |
Overall time: 2:45 | Per mile: 12:36 |
Overall time: 3:00 | Per mile: 13:44 |
What will the pacing strategy be throughout the race?
The pacers will run even splits throughout the entire race. Running even splits is the most efficient way to run a half marathon as it prevents you from going too fast or too slow. If in the first few miles the pace is slow due to the crowds, pacers will not go more than 15 seconds per mile faster than the established pace until they gradually get back on pace.
How will I find my pacer race morning?
The pacers will line up along the right side of the start corrals. Pacers will be in place at 6:30 a.m. holding large “lollipop” signs marked with their corresponding pace. During the race, pacers will carry a smaller “wand” version of the pace team sign.
If the pace team pacer I want to run with is not offered in my start corral, what should I do?
Desire to run with a specific pacer will not give you entry into a particular start corral, only your race bib will allow entry. If you were unable to gain entry into a start corral with your desired pacer, we encourage you to line up as close as possible to the front of the start corral in which you’ve been placed.
What if I have to go to the bathroom?
The pace team pacers will not plan any bathroom breaks during the race and will not wait for you. If you need to use the bathroom, it is suggested that you run ahead of your team before breaking to use the bathroom, then jump back in with the team or catch up to them.
How does a pace team pacer handle drinking at the aid stations?
Each pace team pacer will take water and/or Nuun from every aid station to ensure that runners remain well hydrated throughout the race. Pacers will stop at the middle to end tables where it should be less crowded. Teams that stop to walk while they drink should walk quickly to keep the crowd moving through the aid station. If you need to stop completely, go past the aid station and move off to the side of the road and out of the way of other runners.
Do I have to stay with my pace team pacer throughout the race?
No. Runners are welcome to use a pace team pacer for whichever portion of the race they think will help the most. You can run ahead or drop back at any time.
Do pace team pacers go by clock time or chip time?
Chip time. Pace team pacers will start their watches at the start line as they cross the chip timing mats.